Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another "End of Days" dream. Kind of funny.

I had a dream about the end of days.  Different races, people from all over the world… in one place.  Like some abandoned warehouse or mall (perhaps it was an airport), with people clustered in groups, many of them naked and dancing… displaying their precisely-placed tattoos.  There was a war going on, and all of these people were gathered together as some sort of rebellion… We knew that we were all gathered there for some great purpose.  Higher consciousness.

There was a woman giving 5-minute healing sessions to each person from each group.  I made a cynical remark about what a 5-minute session could do and the woman overheard and was going to not give me a session.  I realized I was being negative and cynical and apologized.  She quickly accepted my apology.  I was also not wearing pants.  A girl I used to know from my early high school days was there in my little group of people.  People were getting high and taking substances.  There was some guy next to me,  sitting naked against a wall, talking to a couple of people about his tattoo (apparently it was a green lotus or something…actually tattooed around his asshole. LOL)  He was lifting up his legs to show people, and he wasn’t very well-endowed.

Someone must have given me mushrooms in the dream.  As I was waking up, I felt like I was chewing on a mushroom.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Women, Yin essence and the mysterious complexity of the female ejaculation

The male species has long been baffled by the mystique of the female‘s sexual intricacies, most notably in the west.  While studying anatomy and physiology in massage therapy school, I became curious as to where the fluid that is secreted through the urethra during female ejaculation actually comes from.  I figured the fluids must not be stored in the bladder since the fluid is not urine, so I decided to do a little bit of research to find out exactly what was taking place physiologically.  I compared both western and Taoist understandings.

The western medical understanding of this phenomenon is still somewhat shrouded in mystery and is the subject of much intrigue and speculation.  There are, however, two main opinions on where it originates.

One opinion is that the female equivalent of the male prostate, the paraurethral or “skenes” glands, produce a clear, light fluid with similarities to semen when they are stimulated.  Somewhere around 30 glands are embedded in the erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra, known as the urethral sponge.   Stimulation to the Gräfenberg spot, commonly known as the “G-spot”, activates the glands to produce a fluid in the same way that stimulation to the male g-spot, or prostate, causes a secretion of fluid.

Another idea is that the kidneys release a substance into the bladder, which is an altered form of urine.  The hormone aldosterone is thought to change the chemical composition of urine during sexual arousal.  This idea provides a link between the western and Taoist understanding, where the kidneys store sexual chi (or Jing), and are thus responsible for creating these sexual secretions.

The understanding of female sexual energy according to Taoist sexology involves the concept of “Three Sacred Waters”.

This first water is released through stimulation of the “first gate”, otherwise known as the clitoris.  This type of stimulation activates the paraurethral glands, which empty into the urethra,  and the Skene’s glands, which have their openings on either side of the urethra.

The G-spot, which is the second gate, releases the second water.   It is located about 1-3 inches inside the vagina on the upper anterior wall. It can be found by hooking a finger up toward the belly button and it is thought to be an extension of the clotoris. When this area is massaged, women often feel the sensation of a full bladder.  This makes sense since during arousal, the kidneys produce ejaculate through the release of the hormone aldosterone into the bladder.  A woman must be completely relaxed to experience the flow of this second water.  Massage of this sacred spot can induce intense emotional reactions, but with an open, loving heart, it is possible for deep healing to occur as a result of it’s activation.  Deep, guttural sounds and the activation of the voice/throat center helps to activate this gate.  Some women have reported that it was easier to achieve female ejaculation and multiple orgasms when emitting deep resonant tones from the belly during orgasm.  This might be due to stimulation of the vagus nerve, which goes from the cervix and uterus up through the abdomen and chest cavity, into the neck (innervating the voice box), and to the brain stem.  It connects to all of our major energy centers (chakras), so when a woman engages her voice in sounds that come from deep within the belly, she opens herself up to experiencing intense levels of pleasure and high states of being.

The third water, which western research has not touched much on, involves the woman to experience very high levels of arousal (a level 6 or 7 orgasm) in order to release the fluid stored in the porosities of the uterine wall and vaginal lining.  The reason western research hasn’t explored this yet is because many women never actually reach this deep stage of orgasm that Taoists have such an affinity for. The third gate, or epicenter, is located on the top of the anterior side of the cervix. The cervix contains many ducts that can be massaged skillfully with the fingers (sexual reflexology), toys or penis.  Entering from behind allows better access to the cervix, and the Taoist technique of spiraling the sacrum proves to be much more ideal than just thrusting to activate this gate.  Direct stimulation to this gate can lead to an intense opening of the heart, so trust is very important since feelings of love and vulnerability are often felt.   

Women are YIN essence--Deep, mysterious and cooling as the waters, with the capacity for stillness and calm as well as wild turbulence.  They possess the potential for vast and virtually inexhaustible pleasure, which far exceeds that of men.  The power of feminine sexuality can be intimidating and even frightening, since they can create life within them, birthing a new soul from within their wombs, as well as the ability to tap into a boundless source of bliss.  Unfortunately,  many women have lost touch with their cool, fertile Yin essence and the divine feminine within.  They have developed predominantly superficial Yang characteristics.  The world demands “Yang” energy, which is characteristically very male in nature.  Tough and rigid.  Women often don’t value their Yin softness and therefore feel the need to be aggressive rather than loving. 

The divine feminine gives life.  She breathes life into the lifeless and just as there can be no light without darkness, life could not exist without her. She is the unspeakable void.  The womb from which all things in creation are born.

If we could all merge with her—men and women alike—we would be merging with our own feminine within, and become whole.   If only we knew what we were capable of.  If only we knew we already had the key.

It is only through love that we can unlock and access higher levels of our being and become magic workers.  Love is the key.  Our bodies are the doors, and through an unlocking, we can travel and move beyond the physical realm. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Message for Everyone: Rediscovering the World

This vision takes place on the same beach as in a couple of my previous visions. A place which I have lovingly named "Ascension Shore", after some lyrics from a Peter Murphy song. This place is what inspired the title of my blog. You can read about those two visions HERE.

A Message for Everyone: Rediscovering the World

"You ask so many questions", he said laughing as we walked together in the sand beside the shoreline of a radiant beach.

He took me to the shore where the ocean's waves were rippling over our feet. I kept trying to make out his face, but I couldn't see it clearly. His eyes, though, seemed to shift from a crystalline blue to turquoise. He squatted down, took water into the cup of his hand and asked me, "what do you see?".

I instinctively thought "water".

"No, don't say water or any other words that might describe water like wet or cold.  Describe it as though you have never seen water before.  What does it look and sound like? What would it's song be?

I looked at the sun glimmering off of his hand, making it look shiny and glassy.

"How does it feel?  See it for what it is...as if you were an alien from another planet.  How would you describe it to me if I had never seen or felt water?"

He led me to the dry sand and took large handfuls of it.

"Describe the sand... how does it feel? What does it sound like? What would it's song be?"

He then told me to describe the breeze.

"How does it feel on your skin?"

He wanted me to describe it to him as though he'd never been in a body.  How would you describe the sensation?  Really feel the soft caress and tickle to the tiny hairs on your skin.

This was a short and simple message, but powerful, nonetheless.  It taught me how to rediscover the world around me.  Empty your cup by throwing out old cookie-cutter ways of describing things and tap into your creative and child-like wonderment.  Fill your cup with love and appreciation.  These simple things are gifts, and they are things to be remembered.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Be Here Now

I’ve always felt that I was being watched over and taken care of.  Things seem to happen in my life where someone or something intervenes so that everything always works out.  I took this for granted and had even cut myself off spiritually at times, but it is in those times that I was probably being watched over most closely.  Cradled, even.

I have a spirit guide that is very close to me.  A psychic has seen him, and I know he’s there because I have seen him, too.  I love him.  I miss him.  I feel that my old tired soul has been around for a long time, and he has always remained with me.  At times, I even considered the possibility that maybe in a past incarnation he may have been Jesus (or Christ consciousness), but I cannot validate that. All I know is that I feel that I am missing something… a piece of myself…and that I had this piece once before, but now it is gone.  Maybe not entirely *gone*, but just unable to find it here in the physical.  I feel that he was once part of me and that we shared a very strong, ethereal love together.  I can only reconnect to that feeling at times in dreams and deep in my soul.  I want to feel that again in this lifetime.  I remember feeling it.  I do remember.

In meditation, I’ve spoken to him.  I told him how I miss him and how hard this physical life is.  I told him about my fear of death.  But he assured me that just as we do not remember the moment we “came in” to consciousness--the moment going from not being conscious to being conscious--we shouldn’t imagine that we will experience consciousness ending.  We are eternal.  Nothing ever disappears completely, but changes to different states.  We are made from dust and will return to dust.  There is no time, only infinity.  I must learn to relish the fact that I AM young and alive. That my being is fresh with opportunity, to learn new things, to love other people and to BE HERE NOW.

We forget that we've been given a gift to experience this physical reality in a body… to feel, to touch, to taste, to make love.  To create and to PLAY.  To connect with others and be able to express love. To do all of these wonderful things as reflections of the universe. Sometimes we spend too much time in meditation or thinking on our past lives or journeying to other realms.  These things are wonderful tools that help us along our soul's path, but if we spend too much time not being present here now, it just becomes another sort of escapism similar to drugs or alcohol.  We have to be present in the very bowels of being... no matter how hard it is or how much it can hurt.  The universe doesn't perceive things in terms of "good" or "bad".  Everything just leads our soul to experience what we are supposed to experience, by whatever means possible.

Someday, when we are discarnate we could look upon this life and our experiences like a child emptying Halloween candy onto the floor.  All the experiences are different pieces of candy.  Some of the most painful experiences are sometimes the best pieces of candy.  Pain means you FELT something.  Pain means you Loved.  Sure, SweetTarts are ok and there are a lot of them scattered all around... but they're no fucking Reese's.

Ya dig?

Don’t ever be afraid of falling in love. That’s why we are all here, really.

Love unabashedly.
Love recklessly, even.
It’s the most important thing we can share as human beings.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love and the Paranormal

What is love? Maybe love is God.

I've often paralleled the idea of proving the existence of God or the paranormal with the concept of the feeling of love.

Love is a socially acceptable ghost, in a way. How can you prove the existence of love? Unlike belief in God or ghosts, no one seems to doubt that the feeling of love exists. Yet, you can't really prove that it does. We believe in it.

Sure, one can examine the chemical reactions in the brain, and what happens biologically when one experiences the sensation of love. One can prove the psychological factors involved in why someone might "fall in love" with a particular kind of person.  But can you PROVE the feeling? Can you prove that it exists? How would we define the feeling?

What are the many ways to prove love? This doesn’t mean proving to someone else that you love them, but proving the feeling. Proving that the feelings exists.

What happens when you feel love? What do you do? What happens around you? Are there any ways of documenting it? Can you take a picture of it?

We are all very arrogant about tearing down each others’ ghosts--criticizing the beliefs of one another. Why are so many people skeptical when it comes to the spiritual and paranormal, yet are not skeptical of the existence of love? It is a subjective experience.  There is no evidence that it exists, but yet we don’t doubt the feeling of love. People don't seem to question the existence of radio waves and microwaves as they place their food in a "magical box" that cooks their food. Even though we cannot see them, we know they exist because they have a practical application.  There is scientific proof through an application that people can use.

Maybe our belief in love is due to a very orthodox form of mass hypnosis, known as "education". The concept has been ingrained in us and we accept it and believe in it.  IT‘S A SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE GHOST.  Our parents all talked about it and we were told that “love” is what put us here. Our parents “loved” each other and made us. God “loves” us and made us in his image. Our society talks about it all the time and no one finds it unusual, but yet ESP and spirits are “weird” and not normal.

Maybe we do not REALLY know what love IS. We obviously haven’t mastered it yet. We humans are not always very loving beings, are we? Perhaps we should focus on learning how to truly LOVE... and then maybe everything else will fall into place. Let's start with ourselves. Then maybe we'll find God.

"Love is qualified as an attribute of that force, power or influence known as God. Thus as man makes application of love in his daily experience, he finds God a personal God." --Edgar Cayce

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Aura Reading

Have you ever wondered what your aura looks like?  If you are not familiar with what an aura is, think of it as a luminous cocoon, or an energy field that emanates off of the surface of all people and objects.  Auras vibrate to different colors, sounds, and light frequencies. One's aura colors may vary due to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. 

A few weeks ago, I had my aura read on a field trip with my massage therapy class.  Below is a picture of my aura taken with a biofeedback imaging system.  Basically, the system measures the vibrations of energy that is emitted from the different reflex zones on your hand when you place it on a sensor.  It is the electromagnetic field that we are seeing when we take an aura picture.  Where the colors are shown tells us what energies are being used at that moment.  The aura colors, as they show up on the computer screen, expand and change slightly. 

The woman who was giving the aura readings commented on the amount of indigo that I had in my aura. She said that I "know" things (indigo is tied to the third-eye chakra and related to intuition, as well as clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination and dreaming).

The yellow around my head represents intelligence and mental strength. I also have a tendency to think TOO much, and to over analyze.  You might notice a little gray above my head, which is indicative of stress.  lol  Maybe I should cool it on the over thinking and over analyzing.  (Tool - Lateralus)  ;)

The red that surrounds the yellow represents passion, life instincts and strong will power.  The blue that radiates from my throat chakra is tied to creativity and communication, which is not surprising since I communicate best and most passionately through art and creativity.

For a more detailed description of the meanings of the colors, see the chakra analysis chart pictured below.  This chart also displays chakra (energy center) percentages, which typically fall between 40-65%.  Optimum levels are in the 55-60 range, reflecting strong chakra power and a good, balanced flow of energy through the chakras. 

(Click on the image and zoom in to view)

In all, I was happy with my aura reading and it confirmed some of what I already know about myself and the activity levles of my energy centers. I may need some balancing in some of my chakras, but my Spleen chakra is the most strong and balanced. The Spleen chakra is associated with the sex organs. When this chakra is balanced, there is enormous capacity for creativity and partnerships with others. I need a little more grounding, as evidenced by a slightly low Root chakra, but the activity level there isn't too low. Lately most of my blockages are in my Crown chakra. I need to clear away doubt from my belief system. When there are blockages in this chakra, a lack of mission or purpose in life begins to rear its ugly head. We become lost and out of touch with our own spirit and our own intention here on earth. This is the spiritual crisis I recently experienced during a rather dark state of depression, and I knew I needed a "spiritual enema", so to speak.

My other chakras were highly active, especially my Solar Plexus chakra, at 74%. This energy center is the seat of our emotions. Those with a strong Solar Plexus Chakra have immense inner strength, a purpose in life, a career, and self-confidence as a result.  If I can balance this chakra, as well as my Crown, I think I will be able to find that balance and vitality that my soul is thirsting for.

***An interesting tid bit from Crystalinks: 
When two people have just been lovers, they will show up in each other's auras, the color of their auras depending on the nature of their relationship.  


When people have done healing work together, or shared physical contact, they will share a common auric field for a period of time as they have merged their electromagnetic energies.


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Maybe you could show me how to build the wall.
Teach me not to feel and I will never have to fall.
I'll build my island of ice, right beside yours.
It's better not to feel
No hearts get broken here...

He says come inside
come into my bed
come for me, pretty girl
don't worry your head
about what this is or where it's going
Just get down
and feel me feel nothing
feel me
feel nothing
feel me feel...


This place is so cold
and maybe you could show me how to build the wall.
Paint it blue, and I will promise not to fall.
I'll build my island of ice
right beside yours.

It's better not to feel
Hearts get broken this way
It's better not to feel
what's the point of letting love in anyway?

Show me how...
All the other damaged boys are hiding down inside.
Show me how...
to make my warm heart so cold it cracks open wide.
Teach me to slip and slide through the darkness and still land on my feet
Rub pain out of my eyes... and sleep.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Alan Watts -The Nature of Consciousness (Part 1 of 6)

Strange synchronicity!!!!

I was listening to a radio talk show with guest speaker John Trudell. They were speaking about spirituality, philosophy and politics, and their conversation reminded me of some concepts touched on by a particular philosopher, but I couldn't remember his name. I searched YouTube to find a set of lectures by this philosopher that I once listened to so I could post it on my blog. I finally found these lectures by Alan Watts. I shit you not, not 2 mintues after I posted this, the radio show took a short break and advertised Philosophy East and West with Alan Watts on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. on KPFK. (dun-dun-DUUUUN!) lol