Part 1
Where do I begin when writing my magnum opus to the Lord? Do I need to hem and haw when thou knowest my heart better than I and already know what I will say, what I struggle to say, what I will fail to say and what I don't even know, myself? How do I come before you with complaints when I know the complaints are really with myself and my failures against you?
So many nights I whined, "Why?"
"Well, why, then, my daughter?"
Where am I still hardened to your love? Where am I not letting you in?
My obstinate unwillingness to fully accept your will and bear my suffering needs observing.
You healed those I pray for, but I do not resent them nor wish for my healing over theirs. I simply resigned to the notion that I, separate from all others, am the only one undeserving... and what arrogance it takes to think that something should apply only to me.
Part 2