Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Women, Yin essence and the mysterious complexity of the female ejaculation

The male species has long been baffled by the mystique of the female‘s sexual intricacies, most notably in the west.  While studying anatomy and physiology in massage therapy school, I became curious as to where the fluid that is secreted through the urethra during female ejaculation actually comes from.  I figured the fluids must not be stored in the bladder since the fluid is not urine, so I decided to do a little bit of research to find out exactly what was taking place physiologically.  I compared both western and Taoist understandings.

The western medical understanding of this phenomenon is still somewhat shrouded in mystery and is the subject of much intrigue and speculation.  There are, however, two main opinions on where it originates.

One opinion is that the female equivalent of the male prostate, the paraurethral or “skenes” glands, produce a clear, light fluid with similarities to semen when they are stimulated.  Somewhere around 30 glands are embedded in the erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra, known as the urethral sponge.   Stimulation to the Gräfenberg spot, commonly known as the “G-spot”, activates the glands to produce a fluid in the same way that stimulation to the male g-spot, or prostate, causes a secretion of fluid.

Another idea is that the kidneys release a substance into the bladder, which is an altered form of urine.  The hormone aldosterone is thought to change the chemical composition of urine during sexual arousal.  This idea provides a link between the western and Taoist understanding, where the kidneys store sexual chi (or Jing), and are thus responsible for creating these sexual secretions.

The understanding of female sexual energy according to Taoist sexology involves the concept of “Three Sacred Waters”.

This first water is released through stimulation of the “first gate”, otherwise known as the clitoris.  This type of stimulation activates the paraurethral glands, which empty into the urethra,  and the Skene’s glands, which have their openings on either side of the urethra.

The G-spot, which is the second gate, releases the second water.   It is located about 1-3 inches inside the vagina on the upper anterior wall. It can be found by hooking a finger up toward the belly button and it is thought to be an extension of the clotoris. When this area is massaged, women often feel the sensation of a full bladder.  This makes sense since during arousal, the kidneys produce ejaculate through the release of the hormone aldosterone into the bladder.  A woman must be completely relaxed to experience the flow of this second water.  Massage of this sacred spot can induce intense emotional reactions, but with an open, loving heart, it is possible for deep healing to occur as a result of it’s activation.  Deep, guttural sounds and the activation of the voice/throat center helps to activate this gate.  Some women have reported that it was easier to achieve female ejaculation and multiple orgasms when emitting deep resonant tones from the belly during orgasm.  This might be due to stimulation of the vagus nerve, which goes from the cervix and uterus up through the abdomen and chest cavity, into the neck (innervating the voice box), and to the brain stem.  It connects to all of our major energy centers (chakras), so when a woman engages her voice in sounds that come from deep within the belly, she opens herself up to experiencing intense levels of pleasure and high states of being.

The third water, which western research has not touched much on, involves the woman to experience very high levels of arousal (a level 6 or 7 orgasm) in order to release the fluid stored in the porosities of the uterine wall and vaginal lining.  The reason western research hasn’t explored this yet is because many women never actually reach this deep stage of orgasm that Taoists have such an affinity for. The third gate, or epicenter, is located on the top of the anterior side of the cervix. The cervix contains many ducts that can be massaged skillfully with the fingers (sexual reflexology), toys or penis.  Entering from behind allows better access to the cervix, and the Taoist technique of spiraling the sacrum proves to be much more ideal than just thrusting to activate this gate.  Direct stimulation to this gate can lead to an intense opening of the heart, so trust is very important since feelings of love and vulnerability are often felt.   

Women are YIN essence--Deep, mysterious and cooling as the waters, with the capacity for stillness and calm as well as wild turbulence.  They possess the potential for vast and virtually inexhaustible pleasure, which far exceeds that of men.  The power of feminine sexuality can be intimidating and even frightening, since they can create life within them, birthing a new soul from within their wombs, as well as the ability to tap into a boundless source of bliss.  Unfortunately,  many women have lost touch with their cool, fertile Yin essence and the divine feminine within.  They have developed predominantly superficial Yang characteristics.  The world demands “Yang” energy, which is characteristically very male in nature.  Tough and rigid.  Women often don’t value their Yin softness and therefore feel the need to be aggressive rather than loving. 

The divine feminine gives life.  She breathes life into the lifeless and just as there can be no light without darkness, life could not exist without her. She is the unspeakable void.  The womb from which all things in creation are born.

If we could all merge with her—men and women alike—we would be merging with our own feminine within, and become whole.   If only we knew what we were capable of.  If only we knew we already had the key.

It is only through love that we can unlock and access higher levels of our being and become magic workers.  Love is the key.  Our bodies are the doors, and through an unlocking, we can travel and move beyond the physical realm. 


  1. Very interesting. Makes me think. Excellent post as usual.

  2. Very beautifully written! I admire your honor and respect of the body temple. Your willingness to shine light on these subjects of our sacred, sexual nature is an example for us all, Namaste!

  3. This was great thanks.

    Quickies are great like you said sometimes, and yet I'm also more interested in using sexual energy to transform and heal myself.. and others :)

    I'm sure I'll re-read this a few times. One of the best explanations and descriptions I've seen on female ejaculations. Thanks!
