Friday, January 26, 2024

All Men are Secretly Cucks: The Madonna/Whore complex

I recently saw a clip of Jordan Peterson discussing the Madonna/Whore complex and it made a lot of sense, particularly in observing men and my experience with many of their fantasies. 

Most married men do, in fact, WANT to view their wife as pure and virginal and they are likely to put them on a pedestal. But men also want a little bit of whore as well. And since they don't want to view their wives in this way, men may have the propensity to cheat and go find that "whore" in someone else (or turn to porn) because they feel that the "dirty" part of themselves can't turn their own pure wives into the whore of their deeper-seated fantasies. This hurts the dignity of the marriage, and that of the person who is the "whore".

In order to maintain sexual and psychological interest, men need to feel a little unsafe, uneasy and unsure... that there is the sneaking danger that the woman he loves could cheat on him or find someone else. That she could leave him and find someone more sexually fulfilling. This danger aspect psychologically keeps a man invested. 

I've seen and heard a lot of things in my day, and quite frankly nothing surprises me. Usually if someone has one particular fantasy (X), it's pretty textbook that they'll also like Y and Z. The secret to remedying the possible dilemma of unfaithfulness due to their latent cuckoldry lies in accepting that ALL WOMEN CAN HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF WHORE IN THEM. 

Yes. It's true.

And women shouldn't be afraid to let a little bit of that side out in the realm of fantasy with their husband. Shared fantasies are healthy and lead to a stronger bond and fidelity. 

So, ladies... treat your husband like the pathetic little cuck he is ;-) , but also... remember that you are still pure. It's all in good fun and play. We don't have to take ourselves so seriously all the time, especially in the bedroom. Sex is not a duty, it's Love-making--with your best friend. It should also be fun!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Rant about a Vampire...

Pardon the rant that is about to ensue. I'm not sure why this is bothering me tonight, but it just is. I honestly had forgiven this person, but now I'm seeing in my Instagram feed all these stories/posts from this person, who is now Catholic and has a wife and child and he's talking about grace and mercy and divine love. But what he did to me was rather disgusting. I let him do it because he's a celebrity and I was stupid. He acted like he was doing me a favor. He treated me roughly and left bruises on parts of me that should be handled tenderly. He did these things in public but in the shadows... near a sidewalk on a busy neighborhood street outside of a Japanese spa, where he took me to get a "couples massage" about 14 years ago. He arrogantly used my body as he pleased. God help me, I do forgive this person and I'm glad he has honestly found the Lord and hopefully has purified his heart and cleansed his soul, but I can't help but feel a bit resentful that he is one of so many I've had to forgive, and I have never received apologies. Yet he, and others, have found joy and now have families and speak of God. They deserve Heaven as much as anyone else. But why am I alone again with no family and why do I still suffer so?

I have never really spoken to anyone about this before (except maybe my last ex, but I never went into much detail and he didn't know who he was). Perhaps this is creeping up now because there is part of a wound that still exists and isn't fully forgiven and I need to be completely unbound. Now I have an opportunity to be delivered from it.

So... In the name of Jesus, I renounce Satan and all of his works. I renounce the spirits of resentment, of unforgiveness, bitterness and any related spirits. I command them to leave me now in the name of Jesus. I forgive myself for holding onto any of these negative feelings or judgments about myself and others and I receive God's blessings and forgiveness freely. Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you and I trust you. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me victory... I am not afraid.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”


Tonight in prayer, I spoke to Jesus, telling him about my distress. I told him that I did in fact feel forsaken. Toward the end of my prayer, I asked for guidance and asked Jesus to be with me and if there was something he wants me to know right now. He told me “Matthew 27.” I did not remember what Matthew 27 was , exactly. But when I read it and found that it was where he cried out to God “Why have you forsaken me?” I feel that he was consoling me and telling me that he has felt this, too. That he has been there, he is with me, he has cried out the same words and felt the same way, and I am not forsaken… he died so that I will have Hope. Even in the darkest times. God exists outside of time, and he sees things from an eternal perspective. We may feel like a bug thrashing around and wriggling sometimes, but God loves us and our suffering is not in vain. If we ask “but who am I?” He will tell us exactly who we are, and remind us why he did this for us. We are so loved and so important to the creator of this world, that he gave everything and exsanguinated himself fully on the cross for us. We are worth that much. THAT is who we are. And we, as beloved sons and daughters of God, can be a light in this world to tell others WHO THEY ARE, in case they forgot…


My body is not for use, but for poetry, my love. If your fingers don’t speak of the soul and passion and destiny… if they don’t tantalize me and terrify me with a dark streak of cruelty, don’t dare take your ink to my pages.