Friday, March 24, 2023

The path isn't straight--it’s a non-linear, “wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey” path that only God knows.

This road is hard. You can lie to yourself when you are isolated in a bubble and pretend that it's easy. That you won't fall. That the road is a clean, straight-shot if you just do this, this and that. If you just avoid temptation completely. But you can't avoid it forever. You can't always avoid those dark backroads. You will find yourself on them. And when you do, you will make a choice. You won't always choose the right thing. Most of the time, you will be strong. But sometimes... Sometimes you will fall. But it's how you pick yourself up again that matters. Don't allow yourself to spin out of control or lie down, defeated. The road is hard so you can get better each time you fall--so you can grow and build character. Just like muscles, you train them by challenging them and putting stress on them, over and over. Breaking them down to build them up. Don't fret, little humans. This is why we're here.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hypergamy and the Rise of Childless Women

(Read article HERE)

Even with my history of dating nerd-metalhead-alcoholics, or hippie-goth-philosopher-theologians, or some horrendously catastrophic amalgamation of all of these stereotypes (or musicians lol), I still have had a few men admittedly state they were emasculated by me; either feeling sexually inadequate or intimidated intellectually. I also, unfortunately, admit to having interest wane once realizing I’m on a higher intellectual level than a partner or potential partner. Evolutionarily it makes sense for women to be hypergamous—with an inclination to date across and up their social status— It is more about ensuring survival for offspring and exhibiting intelligence, perseverance/drive and overall good health than it is about “going after money”… Good grief, not at all. It’s difficult for women to date these days with women outnumbering men in universities (6 women for every 4 men). It’s no wonder women who pursue higher education are winding up childless in their 30’s. At my age, I pretty much have come to conclude I’m doomed. Haha.

Oddly enough, sometimes the ability to make a girl laugh trumps being on a higher social/intellectual/attractiveness level. Comedians/actors I’ve dated had a really high level of performance/drive/confidence that boosted their spot on the status hierarchy. Look at Roger and Jessica Rabbit… When Eddie asks her, “What do you see in that guy?”, She says, “He makes me laugh.” 😉

Also, having a dark or sarcastic sense of humor is for some reason attractive to me. I guess sometimes it just comes down to having a certain je ne sais quoi (in terms of attractiveness). Having a big ego is pretty gross, though. Inflated pride is ugly. Having passion and creative talent is awesome. And showing kindness to those that can do nothing for them in return (animals, children etc.) is super hot.