I AM that song right now. I am the chords that are being strummed, I am the rhythm, I am.... that music.
(That voice)
It screams
Anesthetize me! Any way you can.... make sure it lasts, so you can forget. No more anger, no more pain. You can make it all go away... push it all down in a deep, dark, secret place, until the anger subsides.
(That voice)
It strokes my hair and tells me it's okay to let go. You can go on breathing another day. One day you'll wake up and the pain will be gone. Just rest easy tonight and let your heart break the way it shall.
(That voice)
It spoke muffled and cracked. But I can hear it again. It's trying so hard to speak to me. It has been for so long. If I come with arms open, it will embrace me. It always will. It always has.
Part of me dies, and there is a rebirth. The child inside me awakens from an ancient slumber.
My heart plays an imaginary guitar solo just for me, and I keep going on.