Most of the nation is not only shocked by today's outcome of the lengthy and drawn out case against Casey Anthony, but emotionally drained as well. Some are downright sick of hearing about it, and some people are very angry that justice was not done for little Caylee Anthony. Rather than becoming emotional or angry or pointing fingers of blame, what can we learn about ourselves from the Casey Anthony trial?
What metaphor do you think this might reflect within ourselves?
Many metaphors can be derived from this, involving the concepts of truth and justice. In black and white, the most prevalent thing I see about the situation itself is that it represents a child, an innocent, being abused and killed and there is no accountability or responsibility being taken.
If the events of the outer world are energetic ripples of our inner state, what is this case in particular showing us about our inner states?
I know there is a part of myself that neglects and abuses the innocent child that exists within me. It happens over and over, yet never do I take responsibility to realize this abuse and stop it. It continues on and I keep GETTING AWAY WITH IT. It happens every time I cut myself down or degrade myself in little ways. Every time I lose faith in myself or fail to see my worth, when I don't feel I deserve something or when I feel I need to stop fantasizing and grow up. I deny the child, silence it, and keep it in a dark, enclosed place.
Can you think of any ways in which you might be abusing your inner child? Have you denied him/her? Have you pushed the child down into some unseen place or forgotten him or her? Are you currently punishing this child for some reason?
Are too many of us doing this without even realizing or caring? Can we begin fixing this? We need to get our minds right. Everything starts from within. "As within, so without".
The world is sick. It needs healing. Let's start within ourselves.