Saturday, May 30, 2009

Precognitive dream?

I've had many precognitive dreams. Some have been scarily accurate premonitions, and others have had precognitive elements. Some of them are too personal to even share on a blog. This one that I'm going to share is one that had precognitive aspects and strong emotions.

This is a weird, possibly precognitive dream that I had almost a year ago before I moved into a new place. I actually hadn’t been on the premises yet and hadn’t met the landlord or my neighbors prior to having this dream.

In the dream, the landlord was a woman. Once arriving at the house, she told us that there was a ghost named “Sarah” who lived there, and sometimes you can hear her moving around upstairs. There was a pond in my bedroom (with lily pads) and the house was 2 stories (in reality, there‘s no second floor).

My mother was there, and so was my grandfather and another man (who was apparently a medium). I’m pretty sure the land lady was still there, but her presence was irrelevant. I saw a little girl, maybe between the ages of 6 and 8. She was very cute and smiley. I asked her to “come here”. I told her I wanted to ask her a favor.

“Please don’t scare me”, I said. “Go to bed at night and play upstairs during the day.”

I was holding her little hand in both of mine as I was saying this. She ran away and no one saw her except one other person (the medium). My grandpa said he saw something as she ran off (he said the word “transported”).

A week or so later, I was moving into the new house. Ron, my next door neighbor, and his wife seemed very familiar to me. He’s a nice man, probably about 70 years old. For the first week or two, he spent some time doing work on the house for the land lord, and he came by on my birthday when I had some family over. My grandpa and my mom were there. We were talking in the kitchen and Ron asked whose birthday it was. He commented that his birthday was also in October, and that his daughter’s birthday would have been in October, too. She would have been in her 30’s now, but she died when she was 8. She drowned on a raft in a lake, and her older brother survived. He tried to help her, but couldn’t, and years later, he killed himself because of the guilt.

It didn’t hit me at first, but I thought about the dream with the ghost of the little girl and the pond with lily pads in my room and wondered if her name was Sarah. My window of opportunity to ask her name passed, and I never felt I could bring it up again to ask him. But I have a strong feeling that it was.

The dream had a lot of emotion in it and it stuck with me for a long time. I still think of it often, and when I hear creaking coming from the roof in my bedroom, I just figure it’s squirrels or raccoons up there. I’ve never felt any negative energies in the house.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My disgust and complete lack of faith in humanity is rivaled only by my occasional awe in its beauty and ability for goodness. -Me 5/22/09

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Vision Part II

The following vision is something I experienced a few weeks after the preceding one (Vision part I: here), and sort of corresponds with the first.

It was deeply impacting and nearly indescribable with language, as it was an intense personal experience.

It took place in the same setting again, with the shield of water, a castle on the shore and an island with forests. Again, I saw the man standing on the island. I went up to the castle and wanted to ask the man in the purple robe who that was. When I went to ask him, he put his finger to his lips and said, "Ssh."

I followed the spiral stairs down the tower again, stopping to look out of a small window at the blue sky and bright white clouds, then continued on down the stairs and back out to the island. I sat at the sandy shore on the island with my knees to my chest. Someone was sitting next to me.

"Are you Jesus?", I asked. "Are you my Animus? My higher self? Who are you?"

We sat in silence for a few moments. Then, without words, he took my hand. The sound of a trumpet blowing in the distance filled the air. Then there was beautiful music, and we began dancing. He swirled me about and just danced with me. No words needed to be said. The music was enchanting and I heard the sound of rushing water. (We were either wearing white or surrounded by bright white light.) The experience was so pure and beautiful, I felt a heavy aching that gripped my core and I started crying (and I was actually crying as I was meditating, trembling and tears rolling down my cheeks).

I told him I was sorry, and that I didn't know why I was crying. I felt very emotional. He said God loves all of his children. He let me know that I need to learn to love myself. And the last line I remember before coming out of my meditative state were the words, "Don't forget who you really are".