About Me

Nicole Tancredi, LMT, NCTMB 

When we are creating things--whether it be art, music, writing, making films, cooking, or literally bringing a new life into the world--we are ignited and inspired. That is when humans, I think, are at their most beautiful. We are expressing our authentic selves, as reflections of God. We are literally tapping into that divine creative nature. Creation is what we all are. Creation is what we all do. This is how and why we are here. This creative spark is the very juice of the universe.

Sometimes when seeing someone ignited with passion, excitement, or a pure childlike wonderment, it's like looking right into the face of God. In fact, that's exactly what it is.

Part of my purpose here in this world is to help people to heal themselves so that they can more fully express their potential as creative beings. I do this through energy work, body work, prayer, spiritual practices and through my own creative expressions. I’m a writer, a poet, and for most of my life I wanted to be a film director/screenwriter and actress. I have since focused my life work more on helping others to attain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. However, I still love to create, and I have a strong appreciation for artists. Artists inspire others and they “turn people on”. They can switch on that switch of inspiration for people, and I've definitely been deeply inspired by many artists who have all given me something that is a part of who I am today. I want to leave a mark that echoes in the universe long after I am gone. To create and to inspire. I refuse to die with my music still inside me.

My highest goal, though, is to prepare my heart for ultimate union with the divine.

Above all, I want to Love. I want to BE LOVE.

And maybe... maybe that's enough. Maybe that's everything. This is something that I've always felt, but I couldn't grasp the concept of it as a vocation in itself. Could it be that this is my vocation all along? Perhaps it sounds vague... until we realize what Love really is. It's not something that everyone can do easily, really. Love is eternal. It demands self-sacrifice.
"I will be Love."