Monday, November 28, 2022

I Have an Inside Joke with God

It started a little over a year ago… during the time God was giving me signs of “Grace” and answering me very, very clearly. My boyfriend at the time texted me while he was out and asked me, “If you could have any food you wanted, what would it be?” I really thought about it and thought of oatmeal creme pies and how they reminded me of my grandmother. I hadn’t had one in yeeeeears. I didn’t actually tell him, though, because I was trying to not be fat and didn’t want junk. Later that night, he came home from doing some Uber Eats runs with a sealed paper bag from an order that got canceled. He asked me to open it and see what’s inside. I kid you not, there were FIVE jumbo oatmeal creme pies and a few other random sweets. My jaw dropped and I told my boyfriend about how that’s the one thing I wanted in the whole world right then lol. He laughed and couldn’t believe all the little ways God had been speaking to me lately. I thought it was cute. God is adorbz. 🥰

ETA: 8/6/2023
At the rehab facility where I work, one of the memory care residents that I'm closest to (Lyle), carries oatmeal creme pies in his pocket and lately he's been trying to give me one every day. Lol. I know this is where God called me to be and to connect with this individual person. Wow. I can't believe how sweet God's voice is (Literally! Lol).

#signsfromgod #insidejokewithgod #oatmealcremepies #god #christian #catholic #cute

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