Tonight in prayer, I spoke to Jesus, telling him about my distress. I told him that I did in fact feel forsaken. Toward the end of my prayer, I asked for guidance and asked Jesus to be with me and if there was something he wants me to know right now. He told me “Matthew 27.” I did not remember what Matthew 27 was , exactly. But when I read it and found that it was where he cried out to God “Why have you forsaken me?” I feel that he was consoling me and telling me that he has felt this, too. That he has been there, he is with me, he has cried out the same words and felt the same way, and I am not forsaken… he died so that I will have Hope. Even in the darkest times. God exists outside of time, and he sees things from an eternal perspective. We may feel like a bug thrashing around and wriggling sometimes, but God loves us and our suffering is not in vain. If we ask “but who am I?” He will tell us exactly who we are, and remind us why he did this for us. We are so loved and so important to the creator of this world, that he gave everything and exsanguinated himself fully on the cross for us. We are worth that much. THAT is who we are. And we, as beloved sons and daughters of God, can be a light in this world to tell others WHO THEY ARE, in case they forgot…
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