Sunday, October 8, 2023

Desire for the Consuming Fire

Feelings and Imitation

Feelings are fleeting and can't be trusted when making big decisions, but they can be amazing tools to reveal to us our own hearts. If we know how to look into them and decode them, we can learn a lot about our desires and make better decisions. 

Imitation is indeed the highest form of flattery. As humans, we love to imitate and that is terrific. If that which we are imitating is good and true and beautiful, and we have grown enough to be drawn to emulate that instead of chasing after shadows (the shadow self that we see in others) in an attempt to alleviate our own damages, we are coming closer to imitating Christ.

My feelings reveal what I am drawn to and what my heart actually desires. I am so grateful to be drawn to that which is good and true and beautiful now. I can spot those qualities in others, and I can fall in love with good and truth and beauty, itself. I am, in fact, getting closer and closer to the perfected love that God is worthy of. However, none of us will likely reach that perfected Love while we are here. He is molding my heart in many ways that only He knows how. 

I find in myself desires that can be found here on this earth, and also some that cannot. I desire to be close to God's heart. For him to reveal his heart to me. I desire to BE those qualities that I find attractive and that I want to emulate. To become that which is true and good and beautiful so that I can draw that to myself. I desire a partner who can fulfill the desires of my human heart in ways that are not the same as what God alone can satisfy. I am truly present here in my body, and I desire another body to "burn" with in a consuming Love of God.

Enter into my fire
Envelop me in Love
To consume and be consumed
I hunger to serve
And to taste

My Sweet God to me:

Come you and seek peace in the heart of my fury
Your broken heart I’ll set ablaze
In all my glory, all my rage
Upon you in your darkest hour--
the white purifying fire of my loving gaze.
My love, consume me
As my love consumes you.
Come close and taste my wild flame.

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