Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sanctity (My soul, not "I")

My soul, not "I", wants for nothing creaturely
but yearns for oneness with Eternity.
Hasten to me, Lord!
I leave behind all earthly things and creature-love
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
Allow me to suffer with you the sweet pangs of suffering
Never shall I forget what it feels like.
Grant me humility in this gift, but not under other creatures
And lift me up to where your divine Love is
Keep me clear of the divinations of all men
Free me from my imaginations and entanglements
So that I can gaze upon YOU
Truly You, within my heart
I desire you.
My soul, not "I", has seen me as you see me, from Eternity
As I've been, as I am, and how I will be
You've heard my prayers of yesterday and today
know of the tears I'll cry tomorrow
know of my trials and tribulations, and which ones I will overcome
The tests offered to me to prove my soul
Allow me not to lose sight of your divinity
for fear that I will be left 
Down here in the dust and mud, bereft 
of eternal salvation
Without your light I'm a dark, hollow vessel
Without your breath I'm as good as ash

My soul, not "I" yearns for eternal unity with the Uncreated
Come hither to me!
Purify me with your grace
Empty me of every earthly thing
To be as close to you in your immovable sanctity as I can be
The highest ideal of Me
That existed in You, before all of creation
May I not waver
But let me receive you
Lord, ready my heart for the highest
And seek thou rest in my sanctified heart. 

— Nicole Tancredi (“Nehara Seraphine”)

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